Inspired by my Drawing and Painting 1 Class in which we’re currently making mandalas.
Runs using turtle.Pen() and runs in randomized circle radii and angles which gradually changing color as loop progresses.
Probably the only thing wrong about this project is that it’s not made up of concentric circles.
# import turtle
import turtle
import random
# defining colors
colors = ['red', 'yellow', 'green', 'purple', 'blue', 'orange']
# setup turtle pen
t= turtle.Pen()
# changes the speed of the turtle
# changes the background color
# make spiral_web
for x in range(200):
t.pencolor(colors[x%6]) # setting color
t.width(x/100 + 1) # setting width
t.forward(x) # moving forward
t.left(random.randint(40,80)) # moving left